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Sometimes an overzealous pruner cuts off the top branches of a tree. Sometimes natural forces damage limbs, and force the elimination of those topmost branches. In either case, those actions result in creation of a topped tree. A homeowner may feel confused, regarding how to care for that strangely-shaped natural structure.

A surprising fact:

Utilization of the pruning process functions as a means for hastening the speed with which the topped tree gets repaired. Still, Tree Pruning service in Palo Alto advice that homeowners should learn when and where to carry-out any further pruning.

Basic rule about when to prune

Wait until 1 to 2 years have passed, since the time of the topping incident. During that span of time, sprouts will grow from the spot where the topmost branches were cut. After that first attempt at creating a better-looking tree, repeat the process every 1 to 2 years. If the sprouts grow quickly, plan on repeating the process more frequently. If the sprouts grow slowly, allow more downtime between the periods when the pruners go to work.

General rule about where to prune

Do not carry-out any haphazard cutting. Instead, strive to create a healthy-looking structure.

What to avoid

Pruning the tree during the summer months, unless it becomes necessary to remove just a few small branches. For instance, a homeowner should feel free to cut off any hanging or weak branches. Homeowners can make an exception to the rule about what to avoid in the summer, if the topped tree was a member of the hardwood family, such as a maple, walnut or birch.

In the springtime, do not delay pruning until after the tree’s buds form. Prune before that event takes place. An exception to that rule can be made, if the topped tree’s blossoms would produce a certain fruit of flower. In other words, post-budding pruning can take place as scheduled, if the pruners will be working in one of the designated species.

Trees to prune after their blooming has finished

Four different fruit trees fall into that category. Those are the ones the bear apricots, crabapples, cherries or plums. Be sure that the pre-budding cuts get made in a flowering cherry or plum, not in a tree that fails to flower.

Some species that are noted for their flowers also hold-up well, if pruned after their blooming has run its course. Those are the dogwoods, along with the species that have lilacs or magnolias blossoming in their branches each spring.

If a homeowner’s yard contains a flowering species that was not named in this article, then the owner of that yard and species should speak with an arborist, before scheduling the time for the pruners to work on that particular tree.