Caring for your trees…
Adding Value to your property

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Tree Service San Jose

Four Factors That Indicate The Need For A Professional Tree Service

No matter where you live in the greater San Jose area, it’s a safe bet that there will be at least one or two trees on every residential property. Furthermore, homeowners who have made a large investment in the landscaping of their properties may have a multiple varieties of trees. Regardless, trees not only add a great deal of natural beauty to your property; but, they are also very beneficial for the environment, as well.

This is the main reason why you should consider hiring a professional tree service company in San Jose, to care for and maintain the trees on your property. The proper care and maintenance of a tree can go a long way to extending its lifespan, as well as enhancing its appearance; keeping it healthy, and strengthening it. And that is where Bay Area Tree Specialists can help.

We prune fruit trees every year and other species trees every two years. Even if it’s been several years since you addressed this issue, don’t be alarmed. It is never too late to start caring for them in proper fashion. If you’re unsure as to whether or not your trees need professional care, here are four (4) factors that indicate it may be time to contact us for help:


Branches on the tree appear too long – If the branches have grown so long that your tree looks unbalanced, it’s time to consider contacting the Bay Area Tree Specialists to come out for an inspection. Furthermore, if it is difficult to walk underneath the tree, due to numerous low-hanging branches, it’s definitely time to call us. Another indication is when you have branches that are growing through power lines, or touching your house and/or roof. If left unattended, severe damage to your home can result. By all means, don’t wait for a storm or strong winds to cause any damage.

Sunshine doesn’t penetrate the branches and leaves – Granted, trees provide much welcomed shade during the hot San Jose summers. However, some sunshine should penetrate the canopy of branches. To check this, stand underneath your trees and look up towards the top of the tree. You should be able to see some light shining through. If not, you should contact the Bay Area Tree Specialists to come out and trim some branches, and thin them out so it does.

Tree has a number of broken branches – Broken branches, as well as any that are dead or diseased and dying, need to be removed by a tree service specialist in San Jose. This should be done as soon as possible to avoid any damage from occurring. Remember, those branches could pose an immediate threat to you, your family, your guests, and your pets. Broken branches can eventually open the door for decay, disease, infection, and infestations that could quickly spread to the healthier parts of the tree, as well as your lawn.

Your tree(s) just look wrong – Trees oftentimes take on odd shapes and just don’t look right. When this happens, it’s time to call on the Bay Area Tree Specialists to restore their natural shape. Other signs that indicate the need for our services include:

  • tree appears lopsided (not symmetrical)
  • tree branches are too sparse in some areas and too thick in others
  • tree is growing at an angle or leaning
In addition to helping you maintain the health of your trees, our tree service specialists in San Jose can help restore their original shape. You should also contact us if your notice any breaks or cracks in your trees. If the damage is not too severe, we may be able to correct it. But if you ignore this, the damage will inevitably become permanent.

These signs that are listed above all indicate the need for professional tree care and maintenance. For years, Bay Area Tree Specialists has provided the most extensive line of commercial and residential tree services in the greater San Jose area, and surrounding communities. We can customize a comprehensive 3 to 5 year tree care and maintenance plan, which is tailored to the needs of your property. Why not eliminate the guess work. Contact us today and let one of our specialists tell you more about our company and the services we offer.