Experienced gardeners always set-aside time for watering any freshly seeded area, or any newly planted growth. Yet taller plants, such as trees should not get overlooked.
Background information on watering
Even at a very young age, children love to help with watering plants within the home, or flowers in an outdoor garden. Of course, their young minds have not yet absorbed the facts that explain why each living plant needs water. Both old and new trees need to get watered in the spring. At that time of year, the trees’ new leaves and flowers are forming. That new growth cannot develop properly, if it does not obtain access to water.
A tree should be watered if the soil around it is too dry. How should a gardener check on the soil around tree’s roots? Stick a sturdy branch in that same area of ground. Pull it up and seek to answer this question: Is the ground moist for up to 4 to 6 inches below the surface. If not, then the plant that comes from the area’s roots ought to be watered.
The finding made by using a branch can be confirmed. Pick up some of the dirt near the roots. Does it feel powdery? That serves as further proof that a dry area needs to be made moist.
How to approach this spring task
If you live in a region that has a colder climate, you must wait until the ground has thawed. Still, you should not wait until the first new growth appears. Get out there with a hose before that new growth makes an appearance. If you need to get on-task before the first sure signs of spring, what should you use as a guidepost? Rely on the sun. As soon as the days start getting longer, prepare to get your hose set-up, so that you can start to moisten the earth around your trees.
How much of the liquid that flows from your hose should you give to any plant? With trees, the amount depends on how recently the branching plant got placed in the ground. A newly planted tree needs to get 20 gallons of water per week. As the weeks on the calendar pass, during that first season, the amount given to the newly planted, tall growth can decrease. The amount of 20 gallons per week can be reduced over time to 10 gallons per week. Later, that might go down further, to 4 gallons per week.
When should plants get watered? Arborists and tree services in San Jose recommend carrying out that task each morning. Of course, some homeowners find it easier to wait until evening. Both approaches are correct; both shield roots from the sun’s rays.