same family plants that former holiday item in the home’s yard, on, or soon after New Year’s Day. How should that family’s new evergreen be fertilized?
Best type of fertilizer to use
An experienced commercial tree service in San Jose fertilizes a newly planted evergreen by using one of the fertilizers that were designed for acid-loving plants. If the same gardener has failed to find that ideal product, then the time has come for launching a DIY effort. Gardeners that have become fertilizer-makers go in search of 3 ingredients: nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. In some areas of the country, the sale of phosphorous has been made illegal. Gardeners in those regions focus on buying the nitrogen and the potassium.
If a gardener’s shopping trip has allowed purchase of all 3 ingredients, then creation of the fertilizer entails making a mixture with one part of each ingredient. In the absence of phosphorous, it becomes necessary to prepare a mixture in which one half is nitrogen, and one-half potassium.
The application of a purchased or prepared product
If possible, remove any grass in the area surrounding the evergreen. If left in place, those blades of grass would soak up the fertilizer. As a result, the intended target (the evergreen) would not get a sufficient level of added nourishment. Admittedly, there are times when a homeowner does not want to be tearing out blades of grass. When that is the case, it becomes necessary to use spikes. The spikes get placed around the tree, and the fertilizer can be poured through each spike.
That sounds like such a simple approach. Why has it been presented as a substitute for the more arduous approach, which involves the removal of thin blades?
By using spikes to fertilize a tree, a gardener tends to put most of the nutrient-rich mixture on certain groups of roots. In other words, some of the roots get deprived of the useful nourishment. Fortunately, gardeners have ready access to a means for dealing with the unwanted effects of the spike-utilized fertilization process. The gardeners’ means involves buying and using some products that can be found in stores, or found in the home’s yard.
What are those products, and what is their function? One product consists of no more than coffee grounds; the other one is organic matter. How can those simple items prove capable of solving such a challenging problem?
When scattered on the ground, either product puts more nourishment into the soil. In other words, it acts as a supplement to the nutrients in the fertilizer. The supplement’s presence makes up for the manner by which the fertilizer was added.