Efforts made to winterize trees help them to remain fortified and healthy in the spring.
Late autumn and early winter is the ideal time to check for pests
In late winter bugs and other pests retreat to their temporary habitat. That action allows them to hide from any inspector. That is why it pays to check for pests before the arrival of winter temperatures.
A dormant tree has the ability to signal the presence of pests. It could exhibit damage, such as cracks or holes in the trunk. It could have brittle branches or lifted roots. By the same token, it might start shedding its leaves.
Try to outsmart any pests. Find the evidence that their hiding place cannot be far away. Plan a method for luring any pest towards some type of trap, once it has emerged from its hiding place. You should be able to find some helpful tools in a nearby nursery.
Prune trees when each of them has the energy for healing
The season of trees’ greatest growth differs from the late fall and winter season. When a tree experiences a large amount of growth, it has directed its energy towards sustaining the ongoing growth. Later, a mature and dormant tree does not need to expend extra energy for supporting any growing parts.
Tree Service in Palo Alto will have the pruning shears to target crossed branches and weak limbs. Strive to ensure an expansion of the sunlit area on the ground. That could aid the creation of a garden in the same spot.
Place mulch around each tree in the yard
Avoid placing any mulch next to the trunk; it should not touch the tree’s trunk. The mulch keeps the ground from absorbing too much water. In other words, it should prevent a flooding of the root system. Still, the introduction of an added precaution might prove necessary.
Study the drainage pattern in the yard
Maybe the draining water creates a small stream, one that pours over the rocks along a line of trees. A natural drainage system should prevent an unwanted flooding of the trees’ root systems. Still, do not assume that all natural-flowing waters proceed in the ideal direction.
Check for the existence of any spot where water from the drainpipe in the gutter system has flooded the area around a tree’s trunk. The discovery of that flooded area should signal the need to create a new type of drainage system.
Move the end of the drainpipe around, so that its water does not get directed towards any tree(s). If necessary, you must create an extension to the drainpipe, the one that has been moved. Force the draining water to travel to a location where it should not cause unwanted damage.