A tree-planter’s eyes should not focus on the look created by adding some new plantings. Instead, that planter’s eyes and mind should look ahead to the future. How will the planted tree look in another 15 to 20 years? Will it look like an outsized object in a limited amount of space?
General guidelines for the placement of a new tree
• Do not plant it against the wall of the home, or against a wall of any sort.
• If your property contains a septic system, avoid planting any trees near that same system.
• If a utility line runs under your property, do not plant at a spot that is above that same line.
• Find out beforehand how tall the planted tree could one day become. Make sure that you locate your planting location at a spot that can free you of future worries about the tree’s branches hitting the home’s roof.
How to calculate the best spot for a tree?
Tree Care service in San Jose recommends that homeowners should ask about a specific tree’s expected height. That height indicates the amount of distance the designated species should be from any other large plants. Homeowners that use that formula should refrain from planting a dogwood less than 15 feet from any good-sized bush/tree.
By the same token, those planting a birch should plan to place it a distance of 50 or more feet from any other large plants. In keeping with that same line of thinking, those planting a maple should place it 25 feet or more from any similarly-sized plants.
How to calculate the best spot for a bush?
In this case, the plant’s width and not its height becomes important. Find out approximately how wide the purchased shrub could become. Then take the time to measure out a distance that equals one-half of that expected future width. That measurement should demonstrate the circumference of the circle that points out the area where it is safe to plant an adjoining bush.
Why realtors encourage homeowners to pay attention to the advice presented in the preceding paragraphs?
If there is not a sufficient amount of space between trees, a yard can look extremely crowded. Realtors understand that crowding does not achieve the sort of look that a potential buyer wants to see in a front yard. Even if the crowded trees/bushes are growing back, well-away from the curb, their overall appearance diminishes the home’s curb appeal.
Ideally, the tree-lover that had chosen to put too many plants on a former lot will elect to seek a professional’s help with adding to the plantings on a newly-developed area of land. That prevents worries about closeness, and about the possibility of planting above a septic system or a utility line.