Tree lovers everywhere should learn about the basic approach to use when straightening a tree as per Arborist in Palo Alto.
How does a tree benefit from straightening?
That process serves to preserve the tree’s health. At the same time, it reduces the chance that the tree could become a source of danger. If not placed in an upright position, it might fall over.
Factors that could cause a tree to lean
• The effects of a storm: The winds would put pressure on the branches; the rain would beat on the trunk.
• The effects of high winds: These might precede a storm, or signal a change in the weather.
• The effects of heavy precipitation: Snow and hail are much heavier than raindrops.
Approach to use depends on the nature of the materials available and the degree to which the tree has begun to lean.
If you intend to use stakes, make sure that they remain in place for the full length of the growing season. When straightening relies on the presence of stakes, the position created by the stakes’ pull should be maintained during the entire period during which the trunk’s growth takes place.
When using a stake, attach a cloth or a piece of rubber to the rope, in order to lengthen it. In that way, the person doing the straightening should have created a proper device for the next step, the one that involves securing the tree to the rope and stake.
An amateur gardener can straighten uprooted trees, if some of the root remains in the ground. The gardener may need help with getting the toppled plant to stand upright. The tree’s roots should be situated at a spot under the ground, once the same plant has been placed in an upright position.
Amateur gardeners should not attempt to alter the position of a tree’s trunk, when it is lying on the ground. The discovery of such an ill-positioned plant should push a homeowner or tree lover to contact a specialist in caring for trees.
Whenever at least a fraction of a tree’s roots remains covered in ground, some water and nutrients can make their way along the trunk’s vessels. Unfortunately, that is not the case, if a trunk has assumed a horizontal position, on the ground. That fact underscores the wisdom behind a decision to contact an expert on trees’ care, whenever a trunk has been found in that dangerous position.
The rules that apply to trees’ care also apply to caring for shrubs. Smart gardeners remember, and act on that fact. Their wisdom might appear to have given them a green thumb.