It might seem simple to just cut them. Yet there are alternatives to that simplified process.
Why worry about roots in the lawn?
Any root could pose a challenge to the person that has been charged with mowing the lawn. In fact, its presence could even cause a lawnmower to have a broken part.
How to tackle the roots’ removal, without cutting them out?
First remove any stems that can be found growing from any one of the roots. That does not harm the root system. Purchase some rock salt. If you have a pet, find a way to keep your pet out of the yard. Plan to dehydrate the root system using the rock salt, which can be dangerous to pets.
Do not start with the largest of the roots. Instead, attack the least problematic ones first. Make a point of exposing each root before treating it. That means digging away the root’s dirt covering.
Do not think about using an herbicide in place of the rock salt. An herbicide could affect other plants, causing them to grow less well, and to become less profuse. Herbicides have not been designed for utilization during an effort at root removal, even those that might come from a stump.
Why is this approach so much better than cutting?
This is a slow, methodical approach. Arborists recommend it, because it forces the person that is doing it to think ahead. The cutting process does not call for the same amount of forethought. Someone might get impatient and cut a bit too fast, making chances for an accident much greater.
Correct treatment of the roots proves essential, during any of the operations that call for an arborist. Damage to the roots’ structure can work to shorten a tree’s lifetime. A cut is more damaging than exposure to an agent such as rock salt.
If you have pets, consider paying an arborist in San Jose to carry out this particular operation. Take your pet for a joy ride in the country, or take it to a local park. Of course, find out first when it should be safe for you to return to your yard and residence.
The dehydration of the roots does not harm the lawn. The tree’s end growths (roots) were already sucking up much of the moisture in the lawn, so there was less for each blade of grass. The dehydration process brings an end to that sucking up of moisture.
In other words, the effect of the dehydration on each root can be reversed quickly. In that way, it represents the safer of the 2 methods. Obviously, the safer method is the one that should be considered as the most logical approach.