California recently suffered through a devastating 5-year drought period which led to the demise of plants, shrubs, and trees in the driest, hardest hit areas of the state. Most people envision big, tough giants when they think of trees. They’re present when we’re born and they’ll be around long after we’re gone. However, trees are not invincible and just like humans; they need nutrients and water in order to survive.
After enduring such a lengthy drought period, you’ve probably noticed how trees have been affected by what is known as “drought stress.” If it appears that your trees are suffering with drought stress, you should consult with a tree care service in San Jose specialist in order to determine the proper course of action. These professionals can examine your trees and evaluate their condition in order to recommend a solution.
Symptoms of Drought Stress
There are a number of different symptoms that indicate the presence of drought stress based on the type of tree that has been affected. Typically, these symptoms are visible in the most fragile and vital parts of the tree, namely the leaves. For deciduous species, browning between the leaf’s veins and/or along the outside edges are signs of drought stress. Furthermore, leaves oftentimes curl up, turn yellow prematurely, or wilt when this condition exists.
According to specialists at tree care service, you may notice what looks as though the healthier areas of leaves have been burned. This is a condition known as “scorching” and is characterized by random browning of the leaves or what appears to be a serious bacterial infection. You’ll see similar signs of drought stress on the needles of the different evergreen species.
They’ll change colors to purple, red, or yellow and will turn brown from the tip to the branch. In prolonged droughts, like the recent one, leaves will be noticeably smaller and may start dropping prematurely. In the worst case scenarios, they stop dropping completely despite the fact that they have turned brown in color.
Hazardous Secondary Issues
Although the above symptoms are common among trees that are affected by drought stress, it doesn’t always indicate that the tree dying. Any tree care service specialist will tell you that those shouldn’t be safely ignored. It’s the secondary issues that commonly occur when a tree has been weakened that reflect how dangerous drought stress can be. It has been seen that even the growth rings are less during this period.
Consequently, when a tree struggles to stay alive, it is prone to a number of other issues that make survival extremely difficult. For instance, when a tree is afflicted with drought stress, it is more prone to disease, infection, and insect infestations. If you such trees in your backyard or on your property, it is time for remedial action. In any case, your best option is consulting with a tree care service in San Jose specialist.