The winters have been very hard on the regions these last few years, leaving homes damaged by debris that include fallen trees or branches. When it happens, homeowners are in shock to see something so overwhelming. After the storm is gone, clean up begins and this is going to be very costly to someone whether it is the homeowner themselves or the insurance company. What part of this should an insurance company pay for, if any?
The best way to get your questions answered right away is to contact your insurance agent. They are trained to handle these emergencies and to help you prepare for them is just part of the job. If something happens, you will know up front how much you will need to pay before the insurance picks up so there is no surprise. The first thing you will want to do is to take pictures of the damage. Do this before you even call the insurance agency so you can text the pictures over if you have to. Taking photos of the damage is your way of recording the actual accident and it gives the insurance company a better idea of how severe the event is.
What Should I Expect from My Insurance?
Damage to Your Home
When there is damage done to your home, the structure of the home as well as the contents inside is one of the many factors considered for an insurance company. There are other factors such as any caps on coverage for structures like the garage or shed and if there are caps, what are the limits.
Damage from Someone Else’s Tree
What if it wasn’t even your tree that came down on your home, what if it was the neighbors? How do you get the cost of the damage figured out and who is responsible for paying it? Does your insurance company pay anything? What if your neighbor doesn’t have any insurance? Basically, if your neighbors tree comes down on your property, the insurance agent will obtain the neighbors insurance information in order to file your claim. If you had a deductible, you will most likely get reimbursed for that deductible.
What Should I Do If My Roof Is Damaged By a Tree?
If your roof is damaged by branches from a tree during a storm, you will want to get that fixed before the next storm rolls through. You will want to make sure that the damage is covered under your policy, or if the tree stands on your neighbor’s property, you will want them to cover the damage instead. You don’t have time to lose.
Review your Coverage
The first thing you will want to do when you notice that there has been damage done to your roof after a storm is to view your policy regarding filing a claim. You will want to do this before you even call for tree removal assistance in San Jose to ensure that you understand your rules and regulations of your policy.
File a Claim
Next, you will want to take pictures of the damage done to your home or your roof. Taking pictures before you even make a call will ensure that your damage is recorded and ready to become evidence should you need to take that extra step.