Any arborist service in San Jose will tell you that when trees fall or lose any of their limbs in unpopulated areas, that their structural development is not a problem since there is no risk of liability. However, it’s a completely different story when you’re talking about populated urban areas. Trees that are allowed to develop without being maintained by a tree care service in San Jose oftentimes develop structural defects and are much more likely to break and fall. However, there are steps that you can take to ensure reducing your liability and improving the safety of your trees.
What is “Tree Risk Assessment?”
Tree risk assessment is an identification system that arborist in San Jose and tree care services in San Jose often perform for their customers. This entails the following practices or procedures:
• assessing the likelihood that a tree will fail (break or fall)
• determining the probability to costly damage of certain property structures such as the driveway, foundation, house, outbuildings, patio, and sidewalks or walkways
• identification of structural defects within the tree’s canopy, roots, or trunk
• identifying the target of the failure
Sadly, many structural defects could have been eliminated during the tree’s earlier development if an arborist or tree care specialist had properly trained them.
It’s about Safety
Tree risk assessment is all about safety and the protection of your family, home, and property. Neglecting to train trees earlier in their development increases the risk of structural defects developing and the probability that the entire tree or a portion of it will eventually fail. As a result arborist services and tree care experts always encourage commercial and residential property owners to spend time selecting trees with a good starting structure when it’s time to plant and take the time to train them during the first 3 to 4 years of their development.
Always hire a Professional Service
Mature trees that have been well-maintained can account for a significant percentage of a home’s curb appeal and add to its market value as well. Whether you are concerned about your existing trees or you recently moved into a new home, you should contact an arborist service or tree care specialist in San Jose if you have concerns about any tree issues, especially their health and safety. They can provide a tree health and risk assessment to assist you in finding potential weaknesses that could develop into some extremely costly problems and repairs. That is why it is important to seek the assistance of professionals that are well-versed with a variety of techniques and methods to ensure safety at all times.