Damage to a residential property, as caused by a storm, can be costly. A pruned tree stands stronger than an unpruned one, throughout just about any storm.
Pruning prepares trees for various elements of nature.
• It hastens removal of dead limbs.
• It reduces the size of poorly structured branches.
• It ensures completion of those cuts that can limit the weight of markedly long limbs.
Professional pruners normally cable and brace branches, if the branches’ condition has indicated a need for that sort of reinforcement, as per Tree Care in Palo Alto.
Hazards that highlight the need for pruning of trees
Dead limbs can be seen from the ground. Some of the branches appear to exhibit no more than a weak attachment to a larger branch; formation of such structures creates a natural object that lacks the ability to withstand the force of strong winds.
Some limbs are too long and heavy for effective targeting during a DIY job. In other words, an especially long limb represents the sort of challenge that creates the need for a trained arborist.
If there are mushrooms growing on a tree, then that large source of nourishment for mushrooms is probably in a state of decay. A tree has a pronounced lean to one side. The development of cracks in a tree’s trunk signals the need for completion of a pruning operation.
Acts that can supplement the damage-limiting effect of pruned trees.
Making an effort to stake any new tree. Planting a young tree in a spot that offers a natural protection from the wind. Thinking twice before taking steps to transplant a tree’s branches, trunk and roots to a spot that is close to a stream, or even a wash that could become a temporary stream.
That is especially true now, when torrential rains have become a cause for flooding in all sorts of locations. Flooding forces water to flow into formerly dry trenches. Consequently, that previously dry trench becomes a temporary stream.
Could a storm damage a source of shade, if that same source of shade were to feature large extensions from a thick and heavy trunk?
If that storm were to aid creation of tornadoes, then it might cause unanticipated harm to such large, natural structures. Even a tree’s stately appearance could not function as a guarantee against storm-linked damage.
Any homeowners that have to deal with such unanticipated damages should consider hiring an arborist. Arborists understand how to deal with fallen trees.
An arborist could also offer guidance on how to tackle the job of replacing any lost, leafy plants, or any tall growth that stays green all year long. Naturally, an arborist would suggest using the precautions that were listed in the section on supplemental acts.