Caring for your trees…
Adding Value to your property

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(650) 353-5671

TREES ARE YOUR BEST INVESTMENT. We are one of the finest tree Service San Jose Bay Area can offer.

Trees are one of the sensible and also one of the most profitable investments you can ever make. Not only are they attractive and add aesthetic value to your property, you might be surprised to know that they can even increase the value of your property substantially, solely due to the aesthetic value it adds to the property. After all, no amount of money can buy a well grown and lush green tree – it requires patience and skill. In fact, trees require so much care and attention that you might need to find tree service professionals for the task; and out of all the providers of tree service San Jose has to offer, we at Bay Area Tree Specialist are one of the most committed and passionate towards trees.


Pruning is a delicate art which takes years of practice to master. Often, less qualified service providers are ignorant of the intricate process of pruning and they do it in a comparatively haphazard way which causes damage to the tree. In fact, the damage may be so extreme that it may even kill the tree or it may make the tree vulnerable to strong winds or storms, thus posing danger not only to the tree but also to passers-by.

We at Bay Area Tree Specialist in San Jose are equipped with knowledgeable professionals whose expertise in the field of tree service is unparalleled. Our experts undergo more than 40 weeks of intensive training where they learn everything about trees, right from minor aspects like Latin names and how to visually identify them to the important aspects like bracing, diseases, diagnosis and lightning protection.

You can trust our experts and leave it to them to diagnose the trees and decide whether there are pests that need to be eradicated, whether there are decays that need to be treated or removed, the structural safety issues and more delicate issues that are very important when it comes to tree management.

Sometimes storms are so strong that they can uproot fully grown trees. It is during these times of emergency that the tree service professionals are most needed. Our expert arborists can treat these critically damaged trees or if the damage is beyond treatment, they can assist in the safe removal or trimming of these trees so as to cause no damage or loss to the property.

We also provide a rich variety of other valuable services like tree removal and tree planting. Whether a tree needs to be removed or whether it has a capacity to recover from damage can be carefully decided by our experts. We can also guide you in the crucial stage of tree planting which is perhaps the most important stage in tree management.

Besides we also provide services like fertilization, aeration (for root growth), insect and pest control and we provide world class guidance on plant health care. Bay Tree Specialist is the place you can fulfill all your residential and commercial tree management needs for tree service San Jose Bay Area has to offer.