When confronted with a storm-damaged tree, a homeowner must first determine the extent of the damage. If the branches appear capable of sustaining new growth, then the time has come for hiring a tree-care company. Of course, a smart homeowner takes the time to find a reputable tree-care company. Here are the questions that aid discovery of such a service/business.
Is this company fully insured?
Does it have liability insurance? The process of furnishing tree care invites certain risks. If the company does not have liability insurance, the homeowner will become liable for any injury to someone working in the trees.
Is this company certified?
Most certifying bodies insist that the certified members get updated on their knowledge. That includes knowledge about safety procedures, as well as the basic facts about tree care.
For how many years has this company been providing tree care services?
If you are going to hire Tree Care company in Palo Alto, you ought to look for one that brings experience as well as skills. If a company has been in business for some time, you should find it easier to locate someone that can testify to the level of the workers’ performance.
How did the workers get trained?
Maybe some of them received their training at another company. If that is the case, you may want to do some research on that specific tree-care business. Otherwise, you should be provided with details, regarding how specific workers learned the necessary procedures.
Do you have a website? Does it contain testimonials?
What you really want to know is this: What is your reputation in the community? That is not the sort of question that homeowners always feel comfortable asking. For that reason, the two questions mentioned above have been suggested.
What kind of equipment do the workers in your company use?
Some tree-care companies use an aerial lift, in order to get into a tree. That does not rely on the sturdiness of the tree’s structure. Still, it fails to provide the worker with more than a limited amount of maneuverability.
Other companies ask their workers to climb ropes, in order to get into a tree. Such an approach does permit a close-up view of any defects. In addition, it frees the worker of the need to deal with any heavy equipment.
There might be in your area a company or two that have their workers climb ladders. That works best in small trees. Moreover, it tends to invite an added amount of risk. There is always a chance that some worker might fall off of a ladder. Moreover, the amount of training given to each worker could be minimal, since most people know how to climb a ladder.