Caring for your trees…
Adding Value to your property

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When we think of springtime, we think about brighter skies, fresh beginnings, and an increase in outdoor temperatures. Unfortunately, Mother Nature has had other ideas about that particular subject this year with unexpected temperature extremes including springtime frosts and snows. While these untimely temperature fluctuations are nothing less than shocking, other living things tend to take notice as well such as the trees on your property. According to many reputable arborist services in San Jose, a late spring frost can result in damage to our trees.

Effects of Frost Damage

No matter what variety of trees you have planted, all of them are prone to some form of frost damage. Fortunately, it only proves to be a small setback for most varieties. Even though most will recover, it could require a bit of help on your behalf. The general rule of thumb is that any dramatic change in your weather is capable of causing stress for your trees, especially if they haven’t been prepared for those changes. This is one of the reasons you may have seen new blooms or shoots show signs of damaged or drop.

Thankfully, many trees can recover from these dramatic temperature disruptions and sprout again as we get deeper into spring. However, flowering trees and fruit trees are the most vulnerable and may not recover sufficiently enough to produce any flowers or bear any fruit later on in the season. For those of you who have little or no experience in the care and maintenance of trees or are now confronted with this dilemma, your best option is to seek out the advice of local area arborist services in San Jose.

Help is available for Frost-damaged Trees

Trees that have sustained frost damaged can oftentimes be saved by contacting a local arborist service in San Jose or a tree care specialist. Here are some suggestions:

• First and foremost, be sure to plant the right variety of tree for your specific climate zone to combat frost vulnerability.
• Keep up with local area weather forecasts so you can cover your trees or water them the evening before the temperature drops.
• In order to lock in moisture and provide it with nutrients, add to 2-4” of mulch in a ring around the base of the tree.
• Finally, prune off any dead or dying branches or stems.

Following the suggestions above could be the difference between damage and no damage resulting. For additional help, contact an arborist service in San Jose. They will not only help you get you a free quote after evaluating the tree conditions.