Trees and shrubs can be a beautiful addition to your garden or home. However, dead ones are dangerous and should be removed as soon as possible. That's why we've compiled this guide to help you remove a dead tree safely and efficiently. Dead trees can be dangerous,...
Commercial Tree Service San Jose
How To Help Restore Trees Burnt By Wildfires?
Wildfires are a huge problem in California. They cause so much damage, and they can be so hard to put out, that it's easy to feel discouraged by the situation. But there are ways that you can help your trees recover from this terrible event. Can Trees Recover From...
Ways For Preserving Trees’ Health
Tree care in winter involves preparing trees for the growth season. When is the growth season? That is the late spring and summer of each year. Preparations for the growth season should be carried out in late winter and early spring. The cleanup procedures are an...
How To Fertilize An Evergreen Tree During The Winter Months
same family plants that former holiday item in the home’s yard, on, or soon after New Year’s Day. How should that family’s new evergreen be fertilized? Best type of fertilizer to use An experienced commercial tree service in San Jose fertilizes a newly planted...