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Arborist Palo Alto

Key Facts About Dormancy

All trees that shed their leaves on a yearly basis pass through a period of dormancy. That is a time when the dormant tree lacks the energy needed for growth. What triggers a tree’s passage into dormancy? • Colder temperatures in the air • Colder temperature of the...

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How To Straighten A Leaning Tree?

Tree lovers everywhere should learn about the basic approach to use when straightening a tree as per Arborist in Palo Alto. How does a tree benefit from straightening? That process serves to preserve the tree’s health. At the same time, it reduces the chance that the...

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Know More About The Main Tree Diseases

Tree diseases can affect both their beauty and the beauty of the environments they are in. Read this article if you want to avoid this happening to the trees in your garden or front yard. You’ll learn about the common afflictions and diseases that trees face. It’s...

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How To Predict Tree Failure

The unexpected fall of a tree or heavy limb can have disastrous consequences, especially when it happens to land on a car, house, power line, or even a person. Predicting the fall of a tree is a complex matter, not an exact science. However, there still are a few...

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The Threat of the California Oakworm

One of the more common trees found in the Bay Area in both urban and wild areas are coastal live oaks. For many homeowners in this region of the state, they have seen the trees on their property devastated by the California Oak worm. According to many of the local...

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