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Tree Care San Jose

Why Should You Prune Your Peach Trees?

Why Should You Prune Your Peach Trees?

Peach trees are one of the most popular plants in the garden, with their sweet fruit and beautiful flowers. They're also one of the easiest trees to grow because they don't require much maintenance. But if you want to keep your peach tree healthy and happy over the...

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Comparing The 2 Types of Fertilizer

Consumers that intend to care for a garden, or for newly planted trees get to choose either a fast releasing of a slow releasing fertilizer. Features of fast releasing fertilizers • Each of them has a high salt content. • Each of them dissolves quickly, once placed in...

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Tips On Proper Tree Mulching

When done properly, mulching helps a tree to retain water and regulate extra cold temperatures. Trees benefit the most when mulch acts as a cover for compost. How is mulch different from compost? Compost contains decayed organic matter. A smart homeowner puts compost...

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How To Transplant A Mature Tree?

Why should those with an interest in tree care take the time to read about the transplantation of a mature tree? Such a plant has roots so deep that the roots’ depth equals the tree’s height. Objective of any effort that is focused on transplanting a matured,...

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How To Space Newly Planted Trees

A tree-planter’s eyes should not focus on the look created by adding some new plantings. Instead, that planter’s eyes and mind should look ahead to the future. How will the planted tree look in another 15 to 20 years? Will it look like an outsized object in a limited...

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Best Ways To Care For Your Trees

There’s no way to substitute water with a plant. While there are so many ways to give plants and trees vitamins and nourishment, nothing can compare to the value of plain ol’ water. Trees especially need water when the weather is dry, especially if it is going to be...

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How To Select The Ideal Spot For A Tree?

A landscaping expert appreciates the extent to which trees increase the value of a residential property. Yet a tree’s true value gets diminished, if the selected member of the plant kingdom does not fill the homeowner’s needs. By the same token, a tree’s value can...

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