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Tree Trimming

How, When, Why To Prune Fruit Trees

How, When, Why To Prune Fruit Trees

You don’t have to be an expert gardener to prune your fruit trees. In fact, most home gardeners will tell you that pruning is one of the easiest things you can do for the health and beauty of your plants. But if you are new at it or just want to improve your skills...

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How To Deal With Dead Trees

The removal of a dead tree is essential, if those living or working in the area of that dead or dying plant want to minimize the ways that it poses specific risks, as per commercial tree service in Palo Alto. Risks associated with dead trees Any one of them could fall...

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Tips On Removal of Dead Or Dying Trees

Humans welcome the shade provided by a tree’s leaf-filled branches. Some families enjoy the chance to eat the fruit that grows on one or more of the fruit trees in the home’s yard. Sadly, there could arrive a time when access to such a pleasure has come to an end, due...

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Ways For Preserving Trees’ Health

Tree care in winter involves preparing trees for the growth season. When is the growth season? That is the late spring and summer of each year. Preparations for the growth season should be carried out in late winter and early spring. The cleanup procedures are an...

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Tips On Proper Tree Mulching

When done properly, mulching helps a tree to retain water and regulate extra cold temperatures. Trees benefit the most when mulch acts as a cover for compost. How is mulch different from compost? Compost contains decayed organic matter. A smart homeowner puts compost...

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Tips On Selecting Time To Prune Trees

The type of tree pruned represents a major factor in determining when to carry out the pruning process. Still, there are other factors that ought to be considered as well. Winter is the best time for pruning trees It is the season of dormancy.There are fewer insects...

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