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Tree Pruning

Problems Created By Dead Tree

Problems Created By Dead Tree

A tree could die of old age, or following a lightning strike. A tree’s death might also be due to the effects of an infectious agent. Problems caused by dead tree That lifeless bit of nature attracts pests —It appeals to wood boring insects, such as termites and...

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Comparing The 2 Types of Fertilizer

Consumers that intend to care for a garden, or for newly planted trees get to choose either a fast releasing of a slow releasing fertilizer. Features of fast releasing fertilizers • Each of them has a high salt content. • Each of them dissolves quickly, once placed in...

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How To Care For A Sapling

Sapling is the term that tree experts include in any statement that refers to a newly-planted tree and require special attention. How to Water a Sapling Keep the root ball well watered, but do not soak it. Carry out the watering operation by using either a garden hose...

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How To Fix A Leaning Tree?

A tree could be just a short angle off of the desirable 90 degrees between the trunk and the ground. Alternately, the trunk might be parallel to the ground. Each of those problems requires a different approach. When to use staking, also known as guying? That should be...

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How To Tackle Tree Roots In Lawn?

It might seem simple to just cut them. Yet there are alternatives to that simplified process. Why worry about roots in the lawn? Any root could pose a challenge to the person that has been charged with mowing the lawn. In fact, its presence could even cause a...

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How To Approach Removal of Tree Stump?

If you have cut a tree on your property, it is possible that it was not completely uprooted and the stump is still there. The dilemma posed by the presence of a stump: It is unsightly, but its removal might encourage formation of new growth. Reasons to opt for...

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