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tree service Palo Alto

How To Fix A Leaning Tree?

A tree could be just a short angle off of the desirable 90 degrees between the trunk and the ground. Alternately, the trunk might be parallel to the ground. Each of those problems requires a different approach. When to use staking, also known as guying? That should be...

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Tips On Selecting Time To Prune Trees

The type of tree pruned represents a major factor in determining when to carry out the pruning process. Still, there are other factors that ought to be considered as well. Winter is the best time for pruning trees It is the season of dormancy.There are fewer insects...

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How Soil Affects the Health of Trees

Gardeners realize that any tree needs water, air and sun. An experienced gardener recognizes, as well, the value of placing any plant in suitable soil. Soil types • Sandy-Has large particles; does not ensure good retention of nutrients. • Silt-Has fine particles;...

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What To Do With Dead Leaves On Lawn

Homeowners that tire of looking at dead leaves can rake them up and put them in piles. Years ago, homeowners would burn those same piles, but the laws now prohibit such an activity. Hence, there are places where the collected leaves get sent to a landfill. Even as...

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